News & Activities
Stories from the field


The Small Grants Program in Thailand works to preserve local landscapes while building capacity and knowledge across local communities.
UNOPS is proud to serve as the executing agency on a project positively impacting the lives of so many.
Rosana De Luca
Associate Portfolio Manager
The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

Andaman Food Security Association
-Amid the economic crisis from the Covid-19 situation, mangrove forests and the coast of Phang Nga Bay has shown the potential that It is definitely an area that can create food security for families and communities.
Those who have given importance to and played a key role in driving this issue continuously through everyday operations is "Coastal Women" -

Rattanaporn Jangjaidee
Phuket environmental activist
-Integrity of coastal resources are assets during the crisis (every crisis)-

Jeerasak Treedat
Phetchabun Mountains Civil Society Network
- Working in the ecological dimension contributes to building cooperation and increasing the capacity of communities to cope with climate change.
Conservation and restoration of natural resource bases, environment, and ecosystem services linked to career development and quality of life of people in the Phetchabun Mountains-


